The Collaborative
Displaying 1 - 20 of 89
Description Vision Mission Priorities Value Proposition Leadership
Abt Associates
6130 Executive Blvd Rockville, Maryland 20852, US 1881 Ninth Street, Suite 201 B More ...

Abt Associates is an engine for social impact, fueled by caring, curiosity and c

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Aims to use evidence and cutting-edge methods to improve the livesand economic w

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To improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide.

Gender equality and social inclusion, health, governance and justice, etc

Gender equality and social inclusion, health, governance and justice, etc

Led by a Global President and CEO

Access to Medicines Platform
Address: Bush House, Along Kabarnet Road, Nairobi, Kenya Email: info@atmplatform More ...

Access to Medicines Platform is a locally registered not for profit organization

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Envisions a world where everyone, everywhere has access to the highest attainabl

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To strengthen health systems to ensure women, girls and vulnerable groups have a

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Increasing access to and awareness of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and
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RMNCAH, evidence-based advocacy

Partnered with TINADA Youth Organization (TIYO), Happy Life for Development (HAL

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Action 4 Health Uganda (A4HU)
Location Plot 17, Lubowa Hill, Nazziba Rise Mail P.O Box 33900 Kampala, Uganda More ...

Action 4 Health Uganda (A4HU), an affiliate of DeutscheStiftung Weltbevolkerung

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A4HU’s Vision is for a healthy society where all young people develop their ful

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To improve the health and socio-economic status of young people in Uganda

A4HU strives to empower young people through service delivery, capacity developm

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Support to Youth Empowerment Centers(YECs) and Youth clubs in :Leadership and or

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Led by a board of Directors that play an oversight role and provide strategic di More ...
Advance Family Planning Uganda
[email protected] +256 (414) 540 658 // [email protected] +256 (772) 77677 More ...

Advance Family Planning Uganda in-country partners are Reproductive Health Ugand

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A Uganda where everyone's Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights are fulfilled an

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A non-governmental organization that champions and enables universal access to r

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Expanding access to quality contraceptive information,services, and supplies

Advancing Family Planning through evidence-based advocacy.

Principal Investigator, Executive Director, Program Officers and Specialists.

Aga Khan University: Department of Population Health
Park Place Building 2nd Parklands Avenue & Limuru Road PO Box 30270 - 00100, More ...

Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the AgaKhan University: Department of Population Health

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To be an autonomous, international institution of distinction, primarily serving

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To develop human capacities through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge

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Training and education; Research to inform and underpin intellectual innovation

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Training and education
Knowledge sharing

Led by a Board of Trustees

Ampath Kenya
P.O. Box 4606 Eldoret, Kenya 30100 Phone: +254 532-033-471 Fax: +254 532-060-727 More ...

Ampath Kenya is a partnership made up of organizations like Moi University and M

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A global partnership to ensure healthcare for all

Make quality healthcare achievable and sustainable for all

Healthcare for patients, empowering communities, educating tomorrow’s medical e

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HIV/AIDS, chronic diseases, cancer, child health

Led by CEO

Amref Health Africa
P.O Box 27691 - 00506 Wilson Airport, Lang’ata Road Nairobi, Kenya Landline: + More ...
Regional,East Africa

Amref Health Africa is a 62-year old, international NGO headquartered in Nairobi

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Lasting health change in Africa

Our mission is to increase sustainable health access to communities in Africa th

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Human resources for health ,Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolesce

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Strengthening health systems with women and children as entry points

Governed by an international board of directors and led by a group CEO, with Cou

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Care International
Tel: + (254) (20) 2585381, (20) 2585382, (20) 2585383 Email: [email protected] Te More ...

Care International in Kenya has been operational in Kenya since 1968. It current

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We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been ov

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CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social jus

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Food and Nutrition Security and Climate Change Resilience
Humanitarian Response
Ri More ...
Livelihoods, Poverty Eradication and Humanitarian Response

Led by the Secretary General

Centre for the Study of Adolescence (CSA)
<span style="">Mbaazi Avenue, Off King’ara Road, Lavington. P.O. Box 19329-00202 More ...

CSA is an independent non-partisan, non-profit organization established in 1988

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Our main objective is to expand choices and improve accessto safe, affordable an

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The goal of the Centre is to promote adolescent health andrelated issues in Keny

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Adolescent Reproductive Health, Gender & HIV/AIDS,Social Policy, Advocacy & Netw

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SRHR, HIV/AIDS,Adolescent Reproductive Health

Led by Board of Directors, Funding Partners, Strategic Partners

Center for Health, Human Rights and Development CEHURD)
+256 414 532283/ +256789931851/ 0800 313 131 [email protected] http://www.cehurd.o More ...

Center for Health, Human Rights and Development(CEHURD)  is a non-profit, resear

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A society in which social justice and human rights in health systems is realized

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To advance health rights for vulnerable communities through an integrated progra

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Community Empowerment,Knowledge Management,Strategic Litigation Campaigns, Partn

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Human Rights, SRHR,Medical Ethics and Public Health Laws

Led by the Executive Director

Christian Connections for International Health Services (CCIH)
USAID APC Project-Closed December 2019

ChristianConnections for International Health Services (CCIH) advocates for incr

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Motivated by our Christian faith and our values, CCIH envisions a world where al

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To mobilize and empower our network to promote global health and wholeness from

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To share information and provide a forum for dialogue,networking, advocacy, capa

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Promoting global health and wholeness from a Christian perspective.

Led by Executive Director

Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK)
Musa Gitau Road, Off Waiyaki Way Lavington,Nairobi P.O BOX 30690-00100 GPO Nairo More ...

Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) is a leading national Faith Based O

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Quality Healthcare for all to the glory of God

To facilitate provision of quality health services through health systems streng

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Quality health services, innovation, advocacy

Provision of quality health services through health systems strengthening, innov

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Led by an Executive Committee
Clinton Health Access Initiative
Argwings Kodhek Rd, Nairobi, Kenya Phone Number +254-208021472

Clinton Health Access Initiative(CHAI) is global health organization committed t

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To save lives and reduce the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countri

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To strengthen the government and private sector to create and sustain high-quali

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Prevent and treat malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and cancer, accelerate the r

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Maternal, infant and child mortality reduction.

Led by a Global CEO

Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)
P.O. Box 2438-00202 Nairobi Kenya T: +254 20 3572302 E: [email protected] P.O. B More ...

Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)- In Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, DSW is

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A healthy and sustainable world in which all young people,especially girls and y

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Championing young people’s access to youth-friendly sexual and reproductive hea

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Foster demand for and access to health information, health supplies and youth-fr

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Youth, SRHR

DSW is led by an Executive Board that appoints the Executive Director and monito

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Engender Health
+255222774941 Plot 277 Chato St. Regent Estate P.O. Box: 105410 Dar es Sala More ...

Kenya: EngenderHealth's work in Kenya dates to 1982 and has expanded through the

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A gender-equal world where all people achieve their sexual and reproductive heal

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To implement high-quality, gender-equitable programs that advance sexual and rep

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Comprehensive sexuality education

Contraceptive counseling and service delivery


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Comprehensive Abortion Care, Family Planning ,Gender, Youth,Fistula Care, Matern

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Led by  the President and CEO, Board of Directors

Episcopal Conference of Rwanda (CEPR)
P.O.BOX 357 Kigali / Rwanda Phone/ Office : (+250) 57 54 39 Phone/ Secretary Gen More ...
Episcopal Conference of Rwanda(CEPR) is a Permanent Institution erected by the A
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Upholding the Catholic Church 

Harmonize all the activities of the Catholic Church in Rwanda

Education, Family & youth, Charitable works
Catholic Church activities

Led by his Lordship the Archbishop

Evidence for Action – Mamaye (E4A)
Options Consultancy Services Ltd. Nairobi, Kenya , [email protected]

By ensuring data reaches decision-makers and advocates in the right format at th

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To saving the lives of mothers and babies through a strategic combination of evi

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Working together, we can make sure maternal and newborn survival is a political

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E4A-MamaYe is committed to addressing the issues that put Africa’s women, girls

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Packaging evidence, influencing, health financing and clinical expertise.

State Advisors, Technical Specialists, Country Advisors,Program Directors, Commu

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Faith to Action Network
Nairobi, KENYA, Hatheru court, Hatheru Rd. (Lavington) Contact E: info@faithtoa More ...

Faith to Action Network focuses on issues that faith actors are grappling with,i

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 Focuses on issues that faith actors are grappling with, including sexual and re More ...

Supports faith actors empower people to live healthy,peaceful, quality lives.

SRHR, Family Planning, Gender Equality, Women’s Rights,Pluralism

Capacity strengthening, communication, advocacy, experience sharing, research an

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Led by a Steering Council which is a policy-making organ and lends strategic dir

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Faith For Family Initiative
Weza Training &amp; Conference Center, Entebbe Road, P.O.BOX 24250 Kampala - Uga More ...

Faith For Family Initiative (3FHi) is a faith-based organization that exists to

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We envision a better family health and well-being through faith and action of th More ...

Strengthening inter-faith collaborations for better family health and well being

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Faith-Based Organization Capacity Building

Faith-led Advocacy

Knowledge and Learni

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Family Planning, Health Events , Media for Advocacy

Led by  the Board of Directors  

Family Planning Association of Tanzania (UMATI)
UMATI Head Quarter Upanga - Maliki Street P.O.Box 1372 Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania T More ...

Family Planning Association ofTanzania (UMATI) is an autonomous, not for profit,

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A Tanzania where people are free to choose and exercise their Sexual and Reprodu

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To champion SRHR and provide information and services targeting the young and un

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Providing Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Rights information, education

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Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

Led by Executive Director