The Collaborative
Faith to Action Network

Faith to Action Network focuses on issues that faith actors are grappling with,including sexual and reproductive health and family planning; gender equality and women’s rights; pluralism and understanding

Supports faith actors empower people to live healthy,peaceful, quality lives.

 Focuses on issues that faith actors are grappling with, including sexual and reproductive health and family planning; gender equality and women’s rights; pluralism and understanding

SRHR, Family Planning, Gender Equality, Women’s Rights,Pluralism

Capacity strengthening, communication, advocacy, experience sharing, research and demonstration

Led by a Steering Council which is a policy-making organ and lends strategic direction

Nairobi, KENYA, Hatheru court, Hatheru Rd. (Lavington) Contact E: [email protected] Tel: +254 20 2731398 / 20 3572302