The Collaborative
Action 4 Health Uganda (A4HU)

Action 4 Health Uganda (A4HU), an affiliate of DeutscheStiftung Weltbevolkerung (DSW), is a youth empowerment organization dedicated to mainstreaming young peoples’ engagement in socio-economic development and promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH).

To improve the health and socio-economic status of young people in Uganda

A4HU’s Vision is for a healthy society where all young people develop their full potential.

A4HU strives to empower young people through service delivery, capacity development, civic education, mentoring, and advocacy work

Support to Youth Empowerment Centers(YECs) and Youth clubs in :Leadership and organizational development , group management, life skills and sexuality education, entrepreneurship and business development

Led by a board of Directors that play an oversight role and provide strategic direction for A4HU
Location Plot 17, Lubowa Hill, Nazziba Rise Mail P.O Box 33900 Kampala, Uganda [email protected] Phone +256 414 200801 +256 392 002471