The Collaborative
Christian Connections for International Health Services (CCIH)

ChristianConnections for International Health Services (CCIH) advocates for increased commitment and funding for global health services around the world; Facilitates networking among Christian organizations and individuals; Builds the capacity of Christians working in global health; Networks with secular and government international health programs; Shares information and experiences; Promotes inter-agency cooperation; Raises awareness and advocates on key international health issues;Provides a forum for discussion; Promotes Christian health work in developing countries; and Engages with students interested in Christian international health

To mobilize and empower our network to promote global health and wholeness from a Christian perspective.

Motivated by our Christian faith and our values, CCIH envisions a world where all have access to quality healthcare and prevention services.

To share information and provide a forum for dialogue,networking, advocacy, capacity-building and fellowship to the ever-increasing spectrum of organizations and individuals interested in how transformational Christian faith has a positive impact on international health.

Promoting global health and wholeness from a Christian perspective.

Led by Executive Director

USAID APC Project-Closed December 2019