Practical Laboratory Manual for Health Centres in Eastern Africa
The Practical Laboratory Manual for Health Centres in Eastern Africa is intended for laboratory staff working in primary health care facilities, often with limited resources. Basic diagnostic tests that are useful to diagnose common medical conditions found in primary health care settings in eastern Africa have been addressed, taking into consideration the likely working environment, infrastructure and utilities. Laboratory tests have been selected that provide an objective diagnosis on which to base management of disease in patients, and disease control in public health programmes.
A single technique is described for each test, selected for its reliability and economy. Each test description follows a standard format: principle of the test; preparation of reagents; collection of specimens; detailed procedure; reporting of results; quality assurance; and further investigations (if relevant). Information for clinicians on the interpretation of test results follows each test. Prevention of specific diseases is described where appropriate. Additional chapters cover essential health centre laboratory structure; major equipment and their care and maintenance; laboratory management and safety practices; cleaning, washing, disinfection, sterilisation and disposal; and staining techniques. First aid; transporting pathological specimens; code of professional conduct; and lists of essential equipment, reagents and consumables for a health centre laboratory are also included. The manual is illustrated with clear line drawings to clarify procedures and demonstrate the morphology of cells and organisms.
This Second Edition has been completely revised with two new additional chapters: Disease outbreak investigations; and Laboratory quality management, licensing and accreditation, and support supervision. Monica Cheesbrough, author of District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, has once again written the Foreword.
The Authors
Jane Carter is a clinical haematologist and internist who has worked for Amref Health Africa based in Nairobi, Kenya, for more than 30 years, focusing on laboratory strengthening in peripheral settings in Africa.
Orgenes Lema is a medical laboratory technologist who worked for Amref Health Africa for 17 years, and is currently manager of the Mission for Essential Medical Supplies, Tanzania. Amref Health Africa is Africa’s largest non-governmental organisation working in health development.
Amref Health Africa’s Laboratory Programme was established in 1985 to assist the ministries of health in the eastern African region to develop effective, affordable, accessible and sustainable laboratory services, focusing on improving clinical and laboratory diagnostic services at peripheral level, where most people live.