Accolades to the Graduands of the LMG-HSS Courses!
The Partnership for Health Systems Strengthening in Africa (PHSSA) capacity building programme has so far been implemented for over ten years by the Ministry of Health (Kenya), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Amref Health Africa. The PHSSA Programme is anchored in the Institute of Capacity Development (ICD), Amref Health Africa.
The PHSSA programme offers courses on Leadership, Management and Governance for Health Systems Strengthening (LMG-HSS) targeting Middle level manages as well Senior Policy makers in health.
The Programme, has organized a virtual graduation to acknowledge, appreciate and recognize learners and also the partner institutions that have collaborated in the implementation of the course. The virtual ceremony will be held on Friday 25th February 2022.
Click here to access the list of learners that have successfully completed the Leadership, Management and Governance for Health Systems Strengthening (LMG-HSS) courses offered through the Jibu eLearning platform.
For more information on these courses, please click on this link.
Contact us on email: [email protected] or call/SMS/WhatsApp: +254708444855.