The Collaborative

The SautiPlus campaign is a unique approach that has beendesigned by Reach A Hand, Uganda to embrace the growing and innovativetechnologies in social media, radio and TV, mobile phones, print and digitalmedia to address sexual reproductive health and rights issues that affect youngpeople in and out of school ranging from HIV/AIDS, relationships, life skills,teenage pregnancy, child marriage.

Sex Talk, Growing Up, SRHR, HIV/AIDS, Gender Issues,Pregnancy, Safe Sex, Contraceptives, Condoms, Girl Talk, Health Services, STDs,STIs, Relationships, Life Skills, Teen pregnancy, Abstinence, Boy talk, Childmarriage, Menstruation, Gender Equality, Gender Based Violence, CrossGenerational Sex, Living Positive, FGM, Drugs, Treatment

Ugandans especially the youth

Online platform managed by Reach a Hand Uganda

+256 414 697037,Plot 7502, Block 244,Heritage Village,Kansanga, Gabba Road,Kampala, [email protected]

