The Collaborative
Wise Choices for Life

Wise Choices for Life began in response to one of the root causes of poverty in developing countries: excessively high fertility rates.These in turn lead to maternal mortality rates that are extremely high, too many children for a family to care for, and an infrastructure that cannot keep up with the population growth. All these things make it really hard for a family, a community, let alone a country to get itself out of the poverty cycle

Our motivation comes from knowing we are all made in the image of God, our train the trainer workshops develop skills to transform lives and reduce maternal deaths, orphans and poverty

Our vision is to empower vulnerable youth with knowledge and life skills in Reproductive Health to become responsible parents, leading to poverty reduction

Transform the reproductive health of the people, reduction of maternal deaths

Reproductive health, empowering vulnerable youth

Led by Regional Coordinator –Mbale region

[email protected] tel:+61466036330