The Collaborative
Population Services International

PS Kenya addresses the most serious health challengesaffecting resource-poor and vulnerable communities in Kenya, includingHIV/AIDS, reproductive health and family planning, non-communicable diseasesand the greatest threats to children under five including malaria, diarrhea,pneumonia and malnutrition.

PSI Uganda runs health interventions in reproductive healthand youth friendly services, as well as socially markets products, services andhealthy behaviors that enable low-income and vulnerable communities to leadhealthier lives.

PSI Tanzania is dedicated to improving the health of Tanzanians byproviding life-saving information, products and services to tackle the mostpressing health problems. As a result, they are empowered to lead healthier,happier more productive lives. PSI Tanzania makes it easier for Tanzanians toplan the families they desire, have safe pregnancies and deliveries, andprotect themselves and their families from malaria, diarrhea, HIV and AIDS, andwaterborne diseases

To make it easier for people in the developing world to leadhealthier lives and plan the families they desire

PSI envisions a world where adolescent girls and young womencan make informed decisions

Encouragement of healthy behavior, affordability of healthproducts, create health solutions that are built to last

Child health, contraception, HIV and sexually transmittedinfections, malaria, non-communicable diseases, nutrition, water, sanitationand hygiene

Board of Directors and Senior Staff that includes Directors,Vice Presidents and a Chief Information Officer.
