Kenya: Pathfinder’s work in Kenya has been driven by ourcommitment to go where others will not. Over 50 years ago (since 1964), weprovided seed funds to establish the International Planned ParenthoodAffiliate. Today, our commitment to the people of Kenya is stronger than ever.See how we partner with the government to reach millions with the services theyneed to transform their lives.
Uganda: For over 50 years (since 1957), our commitment tothe people of Uganda has never wavered. As a 20-year civil war raged, and allother US-based sexual and reproductive health organizations withdrew theirassistance, Pathfinder remained. Today, we continue to defend the health andrights of Uganda’s most underserved people, so they can choose their own pathforward.
Tanzania: We believe all people should have the ability to protect theirhealth and future. In Tanzania, since 1960, we’re making sure they can. Forover 50 years and counting, we partner with the government and localcommunities to make sure sexual and reproductive health care is availablewherever the need is most urgent. From city hospitals to the hardest-to-reachvillages, see how we’re making sure millions can choose their own path forward
We champion sexual and reproductive health and rightsworldwide, mobilizing communities most in need to break through barriers andforge their own path to a healthier future
Pathfinder envisions a world where everyone has access tocontraception, where there are zero new HIV infections, where no woman diesfrom preventable pregnancy-related complications, and where everyone leads ahealthy sexual and reproductive life
Adolescents and Youth
Contraception and Family Planning
Maternal and Newborn Health
Population, Health and Environment
Safe Abortion Care
Contraception and Family Planning, HIV/AIDS and Safe AbortionCare
Led by the Executiveteam/Senior Team and the Board of Directors