The Collaborative
Network of Adolescents and Youth of Africa (NAYA)
The Network for Adolescents and Youth of Africa(NAYA) Kenya chapter is one of the continuing advocacy programmes implementedin Benin, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and Sudan since the year 2002 withsupport from PPFA-I.

The network’s goal is to contribute towards the creation of an enabling policyenvironment that fosters adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights(ASRH&R).

NAYA aims at enhancing the capacity of youth advocates to undertake ASRH&Radvocacy through enlisting the support of policy makers, opinion leaders,religious leaders and faith-based organizations in advocating for reforms andimplementation of national policies and legislation to improve the quality andavailability of ASRH information and services

To advocate for the implementation of policies andlegislation on adolescent and youth sexual reproductive health throughdissemination of information, championing and promoting their rights at nationaland community level

A society where the reproductive health andrights of adolescent and youths are recognized, provided for and respected

Policy and Legislation



Provision of community based Youth Friendly ASRH services(FP, HIV) ,SRHR, Youth Engagement

Led by the Country Representative
