Maua Methodist Hospital was established in 1928 and hasdeveloped into a modern 230-bed referral hospital serving a population of about600,000 people in Meru North. It is located in Eastern Kenya and offers medical servicesto the people of this area. The hospital shares its responsibility by providingpsychological care and support to the vulnerable children and people livingwith HIV/AIDS. These programs bring life back to people. It is also involved inproviding preventive and promotive care by providing immunizations for childrenunder 5 against diseases and providing postnatal and family planning care. Through its Community Health Department, the hospital isactively involved in HIV/AIDS prevention, palliative and home based careprojects. These are: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMCT) ofHIV/AIDS in collaboration with Christian Health Association of Kenya wasstarted at the same time with the Orphan project in 2001. Palliative care project in the hospital, churches andcommunity. Community owned palliative care projects by the Churches incollaboration with Maua Hospital, which were started in 2002. The lessonslearned from these pilot projects will be replicated throughout the Connexion. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) centers. Formation of support groups e.g. widows and widowers. Maua Hospital has a Registered Community Health Nursingschool that trains students from all over the Connexion and has proved to beone of the best training institutions in East Africa |