The Collaborative
Marie Stopes International

Marie Stopes Kenya provides a wide range of high quality,affordable and client-centered sexual and reproductive health services and informationto women, young people and communities throughout Kenya. It has set the goldstandard for clinical quality in sexual and reproductive health in Kenya viaits extensive service network, which covers the whole country.

Marie Stopes Tanzania is the country’s largest specializedsexual and reproductive health and family planning organization, established in1989. It delivers approximately 33% of contraception in Tanzaniaand focuses on reaching under-served women who are predominantly young, livingin poverty, residing in hard-to-reach rural locations and urban slums - ora combination of all three. It also supports the Government of Tanzania ondevelopment of various policies and guidelines related to family planning andreproductive health services.

Marie Stopes UG is Uganda’s largest and most specializedsexual and reproductive healthcare organization, providing a wide range of highquality, affordable, client-centered services. For 29 years, it has providedservices to millions of Ugandan women, men and young people. Currently, MarieStopes UG provides approximately 60% of all contraception in Ugandaand focuses on reaching the most under-served communities. Thesecommunities are predominantly young, living in poverty, and reside in hard-to-reachrural locations and urban slums

To help women and girls to have children by choice, notchance

Provide the contraception and safe abortion services thatenables women all over the world to choose their own futures

Keeps its clients at the center of everything it does -striving to understand their unique challenges and tailoring its servicesand approach accordingly

Safe abortion, Contraceptives

Executive Team, Board, Country Leadership, Medical DevelopmentTeam
