The Collaborative
Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society

The Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society acts asan advocate for advancement of women’s sexual and reproductive rights and hasmore recently articulated its position on sexual and reproductive healthand rights at the on-going constitutional review process.

The key activities of the society include organizing anannual scientific conference and national/ regional conferences, safemotherhood walks and conducting research.

The main objectives of the Kenya Obstetrical andGynecological Society are:

To encourage a high standard of practice in the art andscience of obstetrics and gynecology in Kenya in order to attain the bestpossible level of health for the women and children in Kenya.

To encourage and assist in the teaching of obstetrics andgynecology in Kenya.

To promote friendship and exchange of ideas among theobstetricians and gynecologists in Kenya.

To hold periodic meetings of the members of the Society andof the medical profession generally for scientific and social purposes.

To establish and maintain liaison whether by meeting orcorrespondence or otherwise with other medical society’s throughout the world.

To publish a periodical at such intervals as shall be deemednecessary by Council of the society

Protect and improve sexual, Reproductive health and rightsthrough quality services, best practices, advocacy, leadership, scholarship,professionalism, training, research and evidence-informed public health actionin Kenya, regionally and globally by promoting the health and the wellbeing ofwomen and standards of practice of obstetrics and gynecology

KOGS envisions a Kenyan society and a world in whichall women, young people and men have access to the highest quality,compassionate, and equitable sexual and reproductive health care

SRHR, Advocacy, Leadership, Training, Research, Evidenceinformed public health action

Protecting and improving Sexual, Reproductive Health andRights through quality services, evidence-informed public health action inKenya, regionally and globally

Led by a Council
