The Collaborative
John Snow Inc

John Snow Inc and our nonprofit JSI Research &Training Institute, Inc., are public health management consulting and research organizations dedicated to improving the health of individuals and communities throughout the world. Our mission is to improve the health of under-served people and communities and to provide a place where people of passion and commitment can pursue this cause


Building Stronger Health Systems and Healthier Communities


Better Health outcomes for All

Research & Evaluation
Applied Technology
Behavioral Health
Capacity Building
Health Communication
Health Supply Chain Management
Health Systems Strengthening
Healthy Communities
HIV & Infectious Diseases
Women, Children, and Youth
Reproductive Health- Family Planning

Health Supply Chain Management, Immunization, Research,

Led by Country Director for Kenya and Tanzania
Ground floor Acacia Building Westlands Office Park Westlands Nairobi, Kenya Phone: 254.739.393844, 13 Pieter's Lane Masaki PO Box9263 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Phone: