The Collaborative
Ipas Africa Alliance

Ipas Africa Alliance for Women’s Reproductive Health and Rights works in Kenya and Uganda—and with regional East Africa partners—to reduce deaths from unsafe abortion, to expand the availability of safe abortion care, and to improve the legal and policy environment for safe abortion across the continent. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Ipas Africa Alliance has programs to train safe abortion providers, support health clinics that offer abortion services, and develop youth champions for sexual and reproductive rights. In Uganda,programs also support comprehensive sexuality education that includes safe abortion, and Ipas Africa Alliance has worked with Uganda’s Ministry of Health Reproductive Division and a team of other partners to develop national standards and guidelines for reducing death and injury from unsafe abortion

To eradicate unsafe abortion around the world

A world in which every woman and girl has the right and ability to make her own reproductive health decisions

Safe abortion care, legal and policy environment for safe abortion

Safe abortion, SRHR

Led by Executive Officers and Country Directors

Fawe House, 1st Floor Chania Ave Nairobi Kenya [email protected] +254-203877422