The Collaborative
International Council Nurses

International Council Nurses (ICN)  is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations (NNAs), representing the more than 20 million nurses worldwide.Founded in 1899, ICN is the world’s first and widest reaching international organization for health professionals. Operated by nurses and leading nurses internationally, ICN works to ensure quality nursing care for all, sound health policies globally, the advancement of nursing knowledge, and the presence worldwide of a respected nursing profession and a competent and satisfied nursing workforce.

Its ever-increasing networks and connections to people reinforce the importance of strong linkages with national, regional and international nursing and non-nursing organizations. Building positive relationships internationally helps position ICN, nurses and nursing for now and the future.

To represent nursing worldwide, advance the nursing profession, promote the wellbeing of nurses, and advocate for health in all policies.

The global community recognizes, supports, and invests in nurses and nursing to lead and deliver health for all.

ICN advances nursing, nurses and health through its policies, partnerships, advocacy, leadership development, networks, congresses and special projects.

Championing access to quality nursing education and services

Board of Directors

Conseil International des Infirmières 3, place Jean Marteau 1201 Genève +41 22 908 01 00