The Collaborative
Healthy People Rwanda

Healthy People Rwanda (HPR) is a registered Rwandan Non-governmental organization since 2013. HPR was founded by 11 students from the National University of Rwanda. Its first projects focused on empowering disadvantaged youth particularly street boys and girls. It aims to contribute to the development of health and human resources in the health sector of Rwanda

The mission of Healthy People Rwanda is to empower  local communities and improve quality of lives through integrated health development commitments, effective service delivery and impact evaluation from the grassroots.

We are inspired and energized by one uniting vision: A future in which young people are empowered and everyone has the best health and health possible

Youth Empowerment Program
Health Promotion Program
Professional Development Program


Health Research

Led by Dr Nzeyimana .N. Innocent- President
Po.Box 2173 Kigali Tel: +250788701727 E-mail: [email protected] Location: KN 5Rd Street, RN3 Remera-Cyamitsingi (next to Apartement Hotel) Gasabo, Kigali-Rwanda