The Collaborative
Guttmacher Insitutte

The Guttmacher Institute’s work in Kenya has focused on estimating the incidence of abortion and unintended pregnancy, assessing the health consequences of clandestine abortion and evaluating women’s access topost abortion care. The Guttmacher Institute’s work in Sub-Saharan Africa has focused on documenting access to and use of contraceptives, calculating the regional and country-level public health benefits of meeting women’s reproductive health needs, and documenting adolescents’ needs for and access to sexual and reproductive health information and services. The Institute has also estimated the incidence of unsafe abortion at the national level for numerous countries in the region, as well as calculated the health, social and economic consequences of unsafe abortion. This work provides policymakers with evidence to inform effective family planning programs and offers policy recommendations to address unmet reproductive health needs


The Guttmacher Institute is a leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and globally

A world in which all people are able to exercise their rights and responsibilities regarding sexual behavior and reproduction freely and with dignity

High Quality Research, Evidence Based Advocacy, Strategic Communications

Abortion, Contraceptives, HIV/STIs, Pregnancy, Teens

Led by President & CEO and Director of Board Affairs,Meetings and Events. Has several departments: Research, Public Policy,Communications and Publications, Development, Finance and Administration. Also has dedicated personnel such as Special Projects Coordinator and Senior Fellows

Global,East Africa
1301 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 USA Telephone +1-202-296-4012 Toll free +1-877-823-0262