The USAID funded HRH Kenya Project builds on the successes and lessons learnt from HRH Capacity Bridge & FUNZOKenya Projects. The project began on 27th September 2016 and runs til 26th September 2021 (5yrs) and seeks to:
- Improve the quality of training and increase number of graduating health workforce
- Improve management and leadership of health workforce at the county level
- Optimize data use for effective HRH decision making at national and county level
- Improve the quality of pre-service training, faculty development, environment and curriculum
- Institutionalize in-service training at county level
Our Goal
Strengthen health workforce to achieve improved health outcomes
Donor & Collaborating Partners
USAID Funded Project
IntraHealth International
Achievements to date by Objective Areas:
Support Training Institutions to Improve Faculty Capacity
- Developed a pedagogy/andragogy skills trainers’ manual for strengthening faculty instructional design methods.
- Trained faculty in instructional design methods; pedagogy/andragogy and mentoring skills to strengthen instruction and skills laboratory methodology training
- Developed a standards and accreditation checklist for guiding health facilities selected by training institutions as clinical placement sites prepare for accreditation by regulatory boards and councils
- Developed a cascade mentorship framework for faculty to improve quality of pre-service education
- Supported MTIs to develop sensitization and key messages in HIV and reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) for faculty and service providers.
- In year 1 & 2, convened a 2 day national symposium on HRD as a platform for sharing best practices that brings together deans & principals from medical training colleges, service delivery mechanisms/partners, county MoH, representative from ICHRDTWG as a platform for knowledge sharing & cross pollination of best practices in HIV, RMNCAH & Gender
Expand the use of Clinical Practice Sites and Clinical Mentors/Preceptors
- Facilitated a faculty exchange visit for faculty members from the six lead training institutions to Moi University-AMPATHplus-supported HIV comprehensive care clinic to expose trainers to clinical HIV best practice
- Prepared two of the four county expert practicum sites for clinical practice to attain standards for inspection and accreditation by regulatory boards and council
- Supported Commission for University Education (CUE) to develop eLearning guidelines to expand the scope of open and distance eLearning
- In partnership with the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) and training institutions, developed and validated harmonized gender guidelines for medical training institutions that will guide student, faculty and management to respond to gender issues
- Provided TA to 4 Institutions (Ortum School of Nursing, Outspan Medical College, Kijabe CHS and Tenwek College of Health Sciences) to develop action plans to address the findings of the FUNZOKenya on gender inequality and discrimination that affects production of health workers
- Participated in quarterly ICHRDTWGs meetings to address accreditation & quality improvement of pre-service training in HIV, FP/RMNCAH & Gender issues
Support Regularization of Curriculum Review and Development by Regulatory Bodies & Training Institutions
- Supported competency-based curriculum update to facilitate adoption of HIV and RMNCAH/FP national guidelines and alignment with core curricular of regulatory boards, CUE and TIVETA requirements.
- Supported curriculum review committees in 1 lead & 4 satellites training institutions to update their curricula, course outlines and teaching content to align to national guidelines on HIV & RMNCAH
Provide TA for IST and curricula that ensures up to date knowledge and skills in HIV/AIDS, RMNCH/FP, Malaria etc. in response to local priorities
- Mapped out all IST providers and courses on HIV, RMNCAH, FP & Malaria undertaken in the 27 counties & established a repository for ease of access by health workers and IST providers
Our Location
9 West Building Westlands